Maintain and enhance the place of seniors in society.
Since the dawn of time, generations have succeeded one another. Today, in view of the growing share of seniors in our society, it is essential that the generations complement and support each other. We must maintain and value the place of seniors in society to promote their inclusion.
And it is now up to each of us to bear the responsibility and the duty to ensure a quality of life and a longevity in dignity for our elders. Because we recognize their contribution, their capital importance, their always central role in our lives.
We reinforce the link, solidarity, exchange and cohabitation at the center of our society without taking into account the age difference.
Because it makes us all stronger.
Because we are what they transmit to us.
We are thanks to the social and cultural struggles they have led, through the transmission of their values, their knowledge.
We are by the time they devote to us, by the love they give us.
Valuing our elders to enable everyone to live fully regardless of their age: each generation must be able to flourish in a society in perpetual evolution, be integrated and feel exist and legitimate in the community.
– Valorize our seniors and promote their inclusion
– Benefit from the experience of our elders who is our strength
– Explain and positivate human longevity, take a fresh look at our elders
– To affirm that our elders are indispensable to the moral and economic equilibrium of our society