Associating motoric cognitive risk syndrome with cardiovascular disease and its risk factors; results from an original study and meta-analysis


Motoric Cognitive Risk (MCR) syndrome — a recently described pre-dementia syndrome— has been associated with cardiovascular disease and its risk factors (CVDRF) in nonEuropean populations. There is a lack of information in the European population and no structured critical evaluation has investigated this association.


  • To determine whether MCR syndrome was associated with CVDRF in French communitydwelling elders
  • To quantitatively synthesize, with a systematic review and meta-analysis, the relationship between MCR syndrome and CVDRF


The design is a cross-sectional study.

238 community-dwelling elders without dementia (71.4±3.6 years; 37.4% female) were selected from the French “Gait and Alzheimer Interactions Tracking” (GAIT) study. In addition, a systematic Medline and Embase search (with no limits on the date of publication) was conducted in both English and French, in February 2017, using the terms “motoric cognitive risk syndrome” OR “motoric cognitive risk” OR “motoric risk.” The systematic review and meta-analysis included 8 studies. CVDRF was defined as cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, obesity and abnormal waist-hip ratio (WHR).


MCR syndrome is significantly related to CVDRF. These findings suggest that a vascular mechanism may underlie the pathophysiology of MCR syndrome.


Jewish General Hospital, Montreal

Faculty of Medicine, McGill University

Canada Gait Consortium